The NewCo:, a new service company, will provide consulting services,
technical suitability software, and change management methodologies to
improve the efficiency of oil and gas logistics operations and management.
The scope of the mission is enterprise-wide, covering all upstream and
downstream activities and enterprise-deep, bringing emense core competency
in each aspect of logistics management in the energy industry. The
core product of the new company is a worldwide, internet/intranet based
e-management software system for logistics management that focuses on optimization
of the "manufacturing process" involved in the oil and gas business, from
upstream exploration and production activities to downstream supply chain
management. This model is in a very early stage of implementation in the
oil industry, making it difficult for the industry to efficiently manage
assets along the production and supply chains for optimal performance.
The goal is to improve the "system of oil manufacture" by selling new technologies
and techniques to address system bottlenecks and redundancies, with a principal
focus on advanced information and communication technologies worldwide.
We believe that the application of e-commerce tools and methodologies will
dramatically reduce the time and costs associated with acquisition activities
in the industry.
Near-Term Implementation Upstream Tubulars:
Capture and integrate all information required to optimize tubular performance
worldwide for major oil
Downstream Supply Chain Optimization: Capture logistics management, real-time DSS scenario planning/modeling, change management, and process re-engineering to improve business performance. |
Products |
e-logistics | e-portfolio | e-suitability | e-reservoir |